Best All Around Fishing Rod | Options Serving Various Needs

Fishing isn’t quite as simple, particularly for novices, as one must learn how to master patience, awareness, and ability. Finding the best all around fishing rod is even more difficult.

Occasionally luck also matters, but you can not always rely upon it. Hence you have to get the correct fishing equipment to manage and catch a large fish. 

If you are in a hurry and just want to find out which is the best all around rod overall, then we’d recommend the Ugly Stik Elite Spinning Rod as the best one.

Best All Around Fishing Rods

Compare Best All Around Fishing Rods

TSUNAMI Trophy Slow Pitch Jigging Spinning Rod
Tsunami Trophy
89Great quality for a price.Check On Amazon
​TSUNAMI Airwave Elite Surf Spin Fishing Rod
Tsunami Airwave
85World class grips.Check On Amazon
orvis clearwater fly rod outfit
Orvis Clearwater
85High End
A highly versatile rod with great warranty.
Check On Amazon
Temple Fork Outfitters Clouser Series Fly Rod
Temple Fork Outfitters
84A well balanced rod with increasing flexibility.Check On Amazon
Ugly Stik Elite
84Top Pick
Toughness at a difficult to beat cost.
Check On Amazon

Before We Begin

When it comes to fishing equipment, the very first gear on each angler’s set is a fishing pole. Fishing rods enable anglers to throw their baits into the water to lure fishes. They help preserve precision and power underwater, so you are in a position to fish.

However, not all of the rods are the same as you will find a variety of poles available now and specific rods work well for specific anglers and particular situations.

To select the best all around fishing rod that may be right for you, you want some simple details regarding how fishing poles function, the significant components included, and also what to search for before buying the ideal all-around fishing rod.

This guide is going to provide all of the tips you need to receive the best fishing pole for the money based on different types of fishing. 

Detailed Analysis Of The Best All Around Fishing Rods

The Tsunami Trophy Slow Pitch Jigging Spinning Rod is at the top of the table. However, it is important to note that each of these rods are catering to a particular area of fishing.

There is no one rod fits all solution but yes if you want a rod that can be used in a lot of situations then the Ugly Stik Elite is your best bet as the best all around fishing rod overall.

1. Best All Around Fishing Rod Overall – UGLY STIK Elite Spinning Rod

Ugly Stik Elite Spinning Rod Rating
Top Pick

Overall Score: 84

+ Remarkable tip

+ Awesome for small to moderately large fishes

+ Unbeatable price

– Issues with flexibility

– Snapping of rods due to rough usage


Ugly Stik Elite has easy to grip cork handles that that feel as good as the rubber ones. Your hands wouldn’t tire even during long hours of fishing. And the cork handle, along with the enhanced guide positions, helps the rod to achieve the perfect balance.

The rod comes in a variety of sizes, and thus it gives us a lot of options to choose from based on what we are comfortable with.


The Ugly Stik Elite includes a soft fiberglass and graphite tip, which besides making the pole more resilient to breakage, also provides a bit more sensitivity. That makes it perfect for lure fishing without ultimately endangering the stiffness through the rod, which nevertheless makes it a workable bait fishing pole.

The Ugly Stik Elite includes Shakespeare’s brand new single-piece stainless steel”Ugly Tuff” guides, and unlike other sticks in this budget, they take a severe beating. Some anglers that use braided lines have experienced difficulty due to the grooves being cut within these guides, which may lead to heavy fraying.

However, we have used ours for a few years now and have yet to see even a nick on some of these guides on our own rods. While we do not advocate braid to each angler (particularly a newcomer likely to tangle), even if you intend to fish using braided line, then it might be well worth considering upgrading to some other fishing pole.


Though Shakespeare mysteriously ceased the first Ugly Stik series in 2013 – the Ugly rods that left them their namesake – we nevertheless utilize a variety of newer versions for virtually everything. The only occasions we do not use them are when fly fishing and also for overseas trips for pelagic fish such as Tuna and mahi-mahi.

That doesn’t mean we have not managed to capture these fishes on Ugly Stiks like the stronger Tiger Elite series.

Maintenance & Repair Cost

The Elite spinning series pole is exceptionally durable, and should you manage to break one, they are going to ask just a few, if any, details before substituting it as per the 7-year warranty.


Shakespeare has mastered the affordability in the fishing pole market over many decades. Ugly Stik makes a number of fishing rods on the current market, and they also happen to be one of the most economical.

Even though there are other high-performing, and possibly more lasting spinning rods available on the current market, it is hard to conquer Shakespeare’s Ugly Stik lineup if you don’t start doubling or tripling your budget.

2. Best All Around Fishing Rod For Freshwater/Trout (Fly Rod) – ORVIS Clearwater Fly Rod Outfit

Orvis Clearwater Fly Rod Outfit Rating
High End

Overall Score: 85

+ Highly versatile

+ Includes a fishing line

+ A whopping 25-year guarantee

– Reel of the combo is not well-greased

– Snapping is possible but minimal repair cost


We have had several Orvis Clearwater combos through time, and the newest Clearwater IV was our favorite, cheap, all-purpose trout rod. The cork handle stays intact over time, and that’s often where other cheap fishing rods fall fast.


Frankly, if you want a trout pole, there is little need to look farther, but if you are after something much more lightweight and more specialized, then the Sage Fly Fishing – Foundation Outfit is still really a worthy leap. Due to the sealed carbon & stainless drag that almost never needs servicing, it will probably overtake Orvis Clearwater’s popularity and position soon.


Fly rods and reels have been characterized by the weight of their line that they cast, which efficiently connects to the size of fish they are intended to hook. The Clearwater IV 9-foot 5-weight is all about being as flexible as a kayak fishing fly pole gets.

Also, the mid-flex makes it ideal for surface (dry), and subsurface (wet) fly fishing, and each of which loves soft and stiff flex, respectively.

Maintenance & Repair Cost

We have personally snapped three of these sticks through our fault, but Orvis has mended or replaced them every time (occasionally for a minimal $30 charge).


It’s true, it is possible to spend ten times the amount on a fly rod, but it may take you as long to have the ability to point out some substantial differences besides body weight. Orvis’ Clearwater IV ensemble includes all you will need to begin hitting trout streams straight away, and it is relatively great for a small price.

3. Best All Around Fishing Rod For Saltwater (Fly Rod) – TEMPLE Fork Outfitters Fly Rod

TEMPLE Fork Outfitters Clouser Series Fly Rod Rating

Overall Score: 84

+ Great durability

+ Well balanced

+ Rod flexibility increases with line

– Rod tube to be purchased separately


The Temple Forks Outfitters fly pole is a balanced, hardy, delicately-tapered fly pole. Temple Forks Outfitters is a combined comprising a fantasy group of fly fishing greats, from creator Gary Loomis (of G. Loomis) into Lefty Kreh, Bob Clouser, also Flip Pallor, amongst many others.

Casting a fly pole does tire out your arm more rapidly than most other kinds of fishing, and a couple of ounces will produce a difference through the daytime.


The Temple Forks Outfitters fly pole is a fairly strong pole about which we haven’t heard any cases related to snapping or durability in general.


A 9-feet-9 weight is the regular fly rod and reel weight for overall saltwater use. A 7 or 8 weight is famous for bonefish, even though a 10 to 12 weight is much more suitable if you are following tarpon (10 pounds for smaller bass, 12 for your 100 pounds + array ).

Also, anything over a 12 weight is usually stored for offshore pelagic species such as Mahi mold, tuna, and billfish. Rod flexibility increases with the total amount of line being chucked, raising casting space, especially for hard-to-cast moist (sinking) lines and heavy flies.

The one thing you might see if you end up alternating between an outfit such as TFO’s Clouser pole, a more expensive installation like Sage’s Salt HD pole paired with a Tibor Everglades Reel is a weight, which really does have a bearing on your ability to cast. The weight, it is not worth the price for the majority of anglers, newcomers, and experienced alike.

Maintenance & Repair Cost

One thing that we would like to point out here is that the rod doesn’t arrive with a pole tube ($29.95), which you will want to purchase if you are likely to go on frequent journeys.


And there are just a few rods we would expect to trust when it comes to an excellent fly rod for an accessible price.

4. Best All Around Fishing Rod For Live Bait Fishing – TSUNAMI Airwave Elite Surf Spin Fishing Rod

TSUNAMI Airwave Elite Surf Spin Fishing Rod Rating

Overall Score: 85

+ Remarkably durable rod

+ World class grips

+ Stunning performance

– Might seem a bit pricey

– Rod holder not available for all models


The Tsunami Airwave Elite was a new pole for us this year, but avid fishing buddies happen to swear by it for a couple of decades, and we were quick to learn why. We are also a massive fan of the Airwave Elite’s diamond-textured vinyl grips, that can be a pleasant surprise on a comparatively economical pole.

While most fishing rods come in a soft EVA foam or cork grip, both these materials get worn out fairly quickly as time passes. However, it is lightweight and compact enough for long hours of usage.


Tsunami’s Airwave Elite is a sturdy rod that may take a beating and has been made particularly for casting live baits. Despite being lightweight, it is sturdy, and the silicon carbide (SiC) guides held in place with a robust titanium framework keep them from getting bent out of the area or broken in transit.


But after two years of general wear and tear, the vinyl grips on the Airwave Elites we tested out this past weekend bore not even a scratch unlike most of the grips on our rods. We are still curious as to what might cause trouble, let alone snap one of these rods.

When it is a surf rod you’re after, Tsunami’s Airwave Elite 11’4″ spinning pole will probably function most surfcasting needs. It will get the job done nicely. However, one disadvantage we did feel was that not all Airwave Elite versions have a gimbal for much more safe storage in rod holders.

Maintenance & Repair Cost

Each part of this Airwave Elite consists of top quality material and is well built to survive.


The rod appears to be on a pricey side but given the remarkable quality and performance, we really feel that it is a very small price to pay.

5. Best All Around Fishing Rod For Deep-Sea Bottom Fishing – TSUNAMI Trophy Slow Pitch Jigging Spinning Rod

TSUNAMI Trophy Slow Pitch Jigging Spinning Rod Rating

Overall Score: 89

+ Sturdy build

+ Easy to find replacement parts

– Price point


Here is a rod with which we have been replacing our older Ugly Stik and other ageing rod fleet. It will not make you a better angler. However, the rod will outlive any cheap gear that stops working after a little trouble. Extremely lightweight and comfortable to hold, the fishing experience was quite pleasant with them.


We have had been using these rods, and have treated them harshly enough to understand that they can take a beating. Moreover, they are likely to outlive any Ugly Stik, although this is our estimate predicted on a couple of years of usage.


You can wish to use a modest and lighter-weight, in the form of the pole. A spinning rod does the job to some extent, particularly if you’re yanking on up fish at the place where they may get stuck. But the Tsunami Trophy Slow Pitch Jigging/Casting Rod is a rod required to pull on the fishes on to your charter.

It is the go-to pole for bottom fishing, even though a stiffer rod is more useful. If you are not seeking to go mad with a fishing pole but wish to do a little bit of everything, then you may stick with our rod choices above. However, if you are going to do a great deal of fishing, then this is the instrument for your job.

Sea bass, snapper striped bass, cod, halibut and fluke when going deep-sea bottom fishing, involve this form of equipment.

Maintenance & Repair Cost

Tsunami makes a number of the most lasting rods available on the current marketplace.


While they are often about double the purchase cost of several Ugly Stiks, they have a higher-performance index in our experience. It is not inexpensive, but still a great price for the quality.

Buying Guide For All Around Fishing Rods

While we have tried our best to help and keep this article as objective as possible, there’s always a bit of personal view involved once we talk about the greatest all around fishing rods. Therefore we’ll be currently paying attention to the following:

  • Variety Of Usage
  • Price
  • Company

All Around Fishing Rod Features Explained

Variety Of Usage

Can the pole be utilized in distinct circumstances? Can it manage various reels? Although it’s not likely to have all the technical characteristics, does it fail in any particular form of fishing?


Technically, this does not have to be a massive concern, but should you go for a favorite brand that’s proven to be dependable, odds are you are going to have more choices to select from. You’ll be able to truly feel a bit more confident about the standard of the fishing rod even if you don’t have a lot of expertise.


While maybe not an actual feature of the rod, we continuously search for a great value in almost any fishing gear. Thus, we think that it’s sensible to add the price to the all-round version, ideally letting you see some choices which are the best of all the worlds.


While we suggested many rods for different purposes, we hope you now have a clear idea of why we chose the Ugly Stik Elite Spinning Rod as the best all-around fishing rod overall.

You must understand which sort of fishing rod will serve you the best. With this, you need to select distinct rods for fishing from different waters (fresh and salt). This is vital as a freshwater rod will corrode in waters not meant for it. The rod length has a significant part in ease of handling.

If you are a newcomer, then be sure to settle for a pole that’s light and is easy to handle and move. It’s then possible to move to larger rods gradually. Nearly every fishing rod mentioned in this article has excellent features. However, be sure to have the budget in mind before purchasing one.

Shailen Vandeyar

A proud Indian origin Kiwi who loves to plant trees and play with my pet bunny when not freshwater fishing in the nearest creek or enjoying saltwater fishing by taking boats far in the ocean.

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